Saturday 25 February 2012

Old Hotel brochure found in box in attic

Hotel Montesano

Hôtel Montesano

Erected in 1914, this former Palace closed its doors in 2001.
The crowned heads of Monaco to the Belle Epoque attended this fine establishment, within woodland.


Un hôtel mythique de Villars pourrait renaître de ses cendres

Par C.M. le 04.10.2011 à 11:43
L'hôtel Montesano a brûlé en 2008 après avoir été abandonné durant près de dix ans. Un promoteur veut reconstruire 50 chambres au même endroit. Mais les opposants s'organisent
Björn Borg, Jean Anouilh, Adamo, Mstislav Rostropovitch, le roi Farouk 1er d'Egypte, le prince Rainier et la princesse Grace de Monaco... Le Montesano, hôtel perché à Arveyes, sur le plateau de Villars, a vu défiler du beau monde.
Construit en 1914, l'établissement est à l'origine destiné au soin des tuberculeux, mais il se transforme rapidement en hôtel. En 1925, il passe de 20 à 60 chambres.
Dans les années 60, l'hôtel devient réputé pour ses soirées à thème, comme les nuits brésiliennes, jazz, africaines... le grand salon et le bar accueillent des stars mais aussi le gratin régional.
Le destin de cet hôtel s'assombrit à la fin des années 90, lorsqu'il attérit dans les mains de la Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV). Il passe dès lors de mains en mains, sans trouver de propriétaire désireux d'assumer les immenses travaux de rénovation dont la bâtisse a besoin.
Petit à petit, les squatteurs envahissent les étages. Un soir, une caravane part même en fumée, sur le parking. La commune, par souci de sécurité, fait boucler l'accès. «Mais on y entrait comme dans un moulin», raconte un habitant de Villars.
Du mobilier disparait: des objets de taille conséquente, nécessitant de l'organisation. Nombreux sont ceux qui sont certains que des bandes organisées sont à l'oeuvre. Une baie vitrée est ainsi emportée, tout comme des morceaux de parquet.
Un soir d'avril 2008, à 3 h du matin, l'alerte est donnée. L'hôtel délabré est en feu. Il faudra un peu plus de 12 heures pour s'assurer que le sinistre est maîtrisé. L'établissement est détruit et la population ne croit pas à un accident. Il sera démoli quelques mois plus tard.
Aujourd'hui, un promoteur veut reconstruire un hôtel, sur les cendres de l'ancien Montesano. Le projet était à l'enquête jusqu'à lundi. Mais des modifications, notamment quant à l'emplacement exact de l'ouvrage, suscitent l'inquiétude des riverains.
Ces-derniers ont ainsi fait parvenir plus de 20 oppositions au projet. La route est peut-être encore longue jusqu'à ce que le Montesano réapparaisse.
Développement dans notre édition de demain


A mythical hotel of Villars could rise from the ashesBy the C.M. 10/04/2011 at 11:43

Montesano The hotel burned in 2008 after being abandoned for nearly a decade. A developer wants to build 50 rooms in the same place. But opponents are organizing
Björn Borg, Jean Anouilh, Adamo, Mstislav Rostropovich, the first King Farouk of Egypt, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco ... The Montesano, Arveyes hotel perched on the plateau of Villars, has seen the beautiful world.
Built in 1914, the property is responsible for the care of tuberculosis patients, but it soon turns into a hotel. In 1925, he spent 20 to 60 rooms.
In the 60s, the hotel became famous for its theme evenings, nights like Brazilian, jazz, African ... the main lounge and bar welcome the stars but also the regional dish.
The fate of this hotel goes dark in the late 90s, when it is landing in the hands of the Cantonal Bank of Vaud (BCV). It therefore passes from hand to hand, without finding an owner willing to take the huge renovation that the building needs.
Gradually, the squatters invaded the stage. One night a caravan from even smoke in the parking lot. The town, for safety reasons, access is looping. "But we went there as in a mill," says an inhabitant of Villars.
Disappears furniture: objects of significant size, requiring the organization. Many people are certain that organized gangs are at work. A bay window is thus carried away, like pieces of flooring.
One evening in April 2008, at 3 am, the alarm is raised. The rundown is on fire. It will take just over 12 hours to ensure that the fire is under control. The property is destroyed and the population does not believe in accidents. It was demolished a few months later.
Today, a developer wants to build a hotel on the ashes of the old Montesano. The project was the investigation until Monday.But changes, particularly regarding the exact location of the work, have raised concern of local residents.
These latter have well-sent more than 20 objections to the project. The road is still long, perhaps until the Montesano reappears.


Geschichte und Kultur

Villars: from the conquest of the mountain pasture to the beginning of tourism...
Villars Tourisme
Rue Centrale
1884 Villars-sur-Ollon
Tel. +41 (0)24 495 32 32
Fax +41 (0)24 495 95 85
The first traces of activity go back to the 12th and 13th centuries. An intense demographic upsurge motivated the monks from the Abbey of Saint-Maurice to help the peasants who had set out to systematically conquer the mountain pastures. It was precisely at that time that man had considerably expanded the high alpine grass lands. Every mountain pasture conquered and cleared in this manner turned into a real treasure that the peasants passionately defended against the encroachments of their neighbours. Legend has it that the peasants of Ollon appeared as fierce in the defence of their mountain pastures in the courts of justice as on site against the invasive trees. In 1750, the mountain "dixains" (Villars, Chesières, Huémoz) requested to form a separate town, this idea was opposed by the Bernese lords. In 1889, the municipality demanded the archives of the "dixains" in order to add them to those of Ollon: the town became henceforth one indivisible entity.
The years of skiing...
Long ago, the mountain dwellers considered the snow, to be sad, cold, dismal and hostile. Today, skiing has changed that vision of the mountains and the snow has become a synonym for beauty, light and joy.
How far back do we have to look to find the beginning of skiing in Switzerland? It is known that in 1873, a physician from Davos, Dr. Spengler, received a pair of Lapp skis from one of his Norwegian relatives. The first attempt was a disaster and there was no next time. Other precursors made attempts but were quickly discouraged by the difficulties encountered, until the publishing in Berlin of a book by the explorer, Nansen, who recounted the crossing of Greenland on skis and provided much information on the techniques of the sport. Immediately, in various parts of Switzerland, enterprising young people set about making skis based on the indications given by Nansen and rushed to the slopes.
Villars had to wait for the building of the train to Bretaye in 1913, before skiing could really be developed. The slopes of the Bretaye region were quickly perceived as excellent for the exploitation of this activity. In 1936, the first ski lift was built at the combe on Chaux Ronde. This was a first in Switzerland, a ski lift on which the skiers were obliged to fasten themselves with a large leather belt in order to go back up the mountain. On 13 December 1936, the Orient Express specially stopped in Aigle for the monster slalom baptised "Kingdom of the great joys of skiing in winter" organised at Bretaye. The same year a ski lift was built in the form of a sledge that could accommodate 12 people for transporting the tourists to the peak of the Grand Chamossaire. These sledges were in use until 1953.
In 1932, there was no means to transport skiers up to Bretaye. The lessons were given behind the Palace on the former golf course. Classes were made up of more than 50 people. A half-day group lesson cost CHF 5.00, and a private lesson cost CHF 7.00. Sometimes by the time the last skier managed to put on his skis, the lesson was over!
In 1938, Villars was classified as one of prime resorts of Europe. Given its lead, many Swiss ski clubs came to practice in our resort. Villars became number one among winter sport resorts... unfortunately nine months later, war broke out and had as its immediate consequence: empty rooms in the grand hotels of the region.
Fortunately, brighter years followed this difficult period. Villars saw the blossoming of champions like Olivia Ausoni, Jean-Daniel Dätwyler, Cantova... and became what it is today, a family resort appreciated and enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Villars sur Ollon, commonly referred to as Villars, is a village in Switzerland in the canton of Vaud, part of the municipality of Ollon. Accommodation consists largely of chalets. It is also known for its boarding schools, especially for Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil andAiglon College, two of the most expensive schools in the world.[citation needed]
Villars is served by the Chemin de fer Bex-Villars-Bretaye railway, featuring a Abt rack system leading from the town center to a ski piste network.
The Village of Villars overlooks the Rhône Valley and views of Mont Blanc are clearly visible from parts of the village and the local ski area of Bretaye. Bretaye is linked to Villars by the BVB railway. There is also a gondola lift connecting the village to Roc d'Orsay, 200 metres above Bretaye.
There are around 100 km of pistes for all skiing and snowboarding abilities that link over to the slopes of Gryon and to the next resort of Les Diablerets, Isenau and Glacier 3000. There is also a snow park called '1984' that allows freestyle skiing and snowboarding.
The GivenGain Foundation has its headquarters in Villars-sur-Ollon.

Boarding Schools

Villars is home to the private international school Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil, which is ranked as the most expensive boarding school in the world.[citation needed] The English boarding school Aiglon College, which is ranked the 3rd most expensive school in the world, is also in the village.[citation needed] There is also an international primary school (from 4 to 14 years of age), La Garenne School, near Aiglon College.


The village has previously hosted the Snowbombing electronic dance music andsnowboarding spring festival.
Villars-sur-Ollon is also the home of the once well known Ollon-Villars hillclimb. Racing drivers from all over the world would come to participate in this internationally renowned event. Starting in the small town of Ollon, at the base of the mountain, and covering 8 km of mountain road, arriving at the top of the mountain, in Villars. The event was popular in the fifties and early sixties, before laws were passed banning motor racing in Switzerland. In recent years a revival of the hillclimb has begun to gain a certain notoriety as collectors and enthusiasts have the chance to enjoy the rare occasion of the closed mountain road.
Mountains panorama from Villars